The history of Crochet
Since there are no known or actual crochet's early history. Unfortunally, the history d crochet is clauded by the absence of conclusive evidence as to whether it is a 20th century art or if it existed prior to this time period. Some historians, however, suggest that it could have started as early 1500s BC, even though there is little evidence to support the theory.
You and I call it crochet and so do te French, Belgians, Italians and Spanish speaking people. this skill is aldo known as haken in Holland, haekling in Denmark, hekling in Norway and virking in Sweden.
The word itself is derived from the French 'crochet', meaning hook. Originally the crochet hook was one of a number of tools usedin the intricate process of lace making.
The earliest written reference to crochet seems to be mention of something called "shepherd's knitting" in The Memoirs of a Highland Lady by Elizabeth Grant 1812.
The first published patterns appered in 1842 Mlle. Riego de la Branchardiere began publishing complex patterns and instructions for crochet that resemble bobbin lace and needle lace.
In crochet's earl days, it was considered a pastime of the upper class, whereby they could create delicate and detailed items to decorate their homes or their clothing. The rich flet that the lower classed didn't need the luxury of decorative household items or fancy clothes, so the poor were generally discourage or even prohibither from learning crochet. Insted they were encourage to knit in order to make basic necesities or repair socks and other apparel.
The history od Crochet, Irish Lace, and the Great Irish Famine
During the Great Irish Famine that decimated Ireland from 1845 to 1849, however, Ursuline Nuns there began teaching local women and children thread crochet. Items these locals created were then shipped to and sold in America and Europe. This was the advent of a style of crochet now commonly known as Irish lace, which was probaby instrumental in helping many Irish families survive the famine.
Aworldwide cottage insdutry began to develop around crochet, especially in Ireland and Northern /france. Since these items were purchased by the emerging European middle class, the upper class begand to label crochet as a cheap imitation lace only suitable for the masses and touted the older style of lace made by more expensive methods as being superior.
Crochet Becomes an Art Form
When Wueen Victoria learned to corhcet, some of the stigmas was removef, and as crochet moved into the 20th century, it finally became and art form on its own. Once patterns became more readly available to everyone, a more standardized stitch size also became necesary. Soon crochet hooks were being made in variours sizes in order to accommodate the requiere size of stitch or gauge called for the pattern.
Crochet Continues to Evolve
The history od crochet continues as a new technique and designs, are beign developed by a whole new generation od crocheters. Magazines and books are now devoted to crochet, and extraordinary new yarns are being spun a thing of beauty, created by artisans in many styles, sizes and materials from wood to acrylic to polymer clay.
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